Miracle #1 - Time and Space are Part of the Illusion

Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao
This morning I got an email from Lisa Natoli about an interview with David Hoffmeister, a teacher of A Course in Miracles, that would be broadcast on Unity FM radio at 3:00 p.m.
It was entitled GET OUT OF THE WAY - ALL THE WAY.
I was excited to listen to it, so I scheduled my day around the time slot.
At 3:00 pm I followed the link and sat down in front of my computer but.....no radio broadcast. 

I refreshed the screen.

I tried getting to Unity FM from Google instead of via my email link.

Clicked around and refreshed again.
No luck.
I decided to just pull up a Youtube talk by David Hoffmeister and listen to that instead, while I ate a very late lunch.
Then I got a text from my daughter, asking me to bring her workout clothes to school, because she forgot them this morning. I looked at my watch.
It was 3:20.
I had just enough time to get her stuff to school before classes let out for the day.
In the past, I would have just dropped everything, run over to the high school, and then felt resentful that I didn't get to do what I wanted to do or eat.

This time, I debated with myself. Should I run over and repeat my bad pattern?

Or should I not go and give my daughter a lesson in responsibility?

I decided that I would finish my program anyway and asked the Holy Spirit to arrange time for me.

When the program finished I looked at my watch and saw that it was 3:40. School ended at 3:43 and it took 15 minutes to get there with no traffic.

I calmly got into my car and drove over - as opposed to the olden days where I sped everywhere in a panic.

I don't know what time I arrived, but I drove into chaos magnified.

Buses were coming, buses were going, students and staff were all trying to exit the parking lot at once.

I tried to call my daughter but her cell phone was turned off and my call went straight to voice mail.

I tried to call my daughter's friend but that also went straight to voice mail.

I pulled into the parking lot wondering how I could possibly find my daughter and get the clothes to her before she needed them.

And then - both of my daughters came walking right towards me in the parking lot! 

Somehow, out of over 1000 students and staff, the 3 of us just happened to converge at the same place and at the same time.

Thank you, Holy Spirit.

Miracle Principle #1

There is no order of difficulty in miracles. One is not "harder" or "bigger" than another.  They are all the same. All expressions of love are maximal.


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