
Showing posts from July, 2015

Miracle #4 - Seek Ye First The Kingdom Of Heaven

Photo Credit: Nathan Dumlao In Chapter 30 of A Course in Miracles we are given  7 Rules for Decision . These rules basically say that we should decide to have a happy, conflict-free day and then stop and remind ourselves of this goal whenever that is not happening. Here are the rules spelled out: 1 .   Today I will make no decisions by myself. 2.   If I make no decisions by myself, this is the day that will be given me. 3.   I have no question. I forgot what to decide. 4.   At least I can decide I do not like what I feel now. 5.   And so I hope I have been wrong. 6.   I want another way to look at this. 7.   Perhaps there is another way to look at this. What can I lose by asking? Yesterday I sold a bag of coffee in my eBay store. I could not find it anywhere. It was a small purchase, only a few dollars profit for me after shipping and fees. I looked high and low and began to feel frustrated that my morning was lost on this endeavor...

Miracle #3 - The End of Suffering

Photo credit: Jakob Owens I started a free program to learn how to apply the lessons of  A Course in Miracles  to my everyday life on January 1st, 2015. It runs for 40 days and is offered by the  Teachers of God Foundation . Every day there is a video to watch and some reading to do. Each day I have seen very obvious results in my life.  Here is what happened today, January 22, 2015: The lesson was about being uncompromising in devoting time to God each day, in order to move from a state of Right Mindedness to a state of One Mindedness. Lisa Natoli said that many spiritual seekers are already in a state of Right Mindedness - choosing to love, forgive, and treat others with kindness. But ACIM says that once the decision to stay in Right Mindedness has been accomplished, God will reach out and join with us in One Mindedness. At that point "your whole thought system will be completely replaced and transferred back to Wholeness". Then, the ideas of weakness, sick...

Miracle #2 - I Already Have Everything I Need

Photo by  Skye Studios  on  Unsplash Yesterday I made the commitment to put Source first in everything I do by asking the Holy Spirit for guidance as advised in A Course in Miracles . I'm trying to consciously keep my thoughts focused on God and his will.  My biggest issue with trusting the Holy Spirit concerns finances . I always think I have to work and earn an income so I don't end up out in the street. Even though I have sometimes experienced  the flow  of money and things coming to me just when I needed them, it still seems difficult to let go of that control. I set out this morning for my weekend round of garage and yard sale thrifting, in search of things to resell on eBay. Whenever I felt my mind wander, I sang this song by   Donna Marie Cary  to myself: I don't know what anything is for, I give it the meaning it has for me. I don't understand anything I see, I give it the meaning it has for me. I found a few books and t...

Miracle #1 - Time and Space are Part of the Illusion

Photo credit: Nathan Dumlao This morning I got an email from  Lisa Natoli  about an interview with  David Hoffmeister , a teacher of A Course in Miracles , that would be broadcast on  Unity FM  radio at 3:00 p.m. It was entitled GET OUT OF THE WAY - ALL THE WAY. I was excited to listen to it, so I scheduled my day around the time slot. At 3:00 pm I followed the link and sat down in front of my computer radio broadcast.  What? I refreshed the screen. Nothing. I tried getting to  Unity FM  from Google instead of via my email link. Nada. Clicked around and refreshed again. No luck. I decided to just pull up a  Youtube talk by David Hoffmeister  and listen to that instead, while I ate a  very  late lunch. Then I got a text from my daughter, asking me to bring her workout clothes to school, because she forgot them this morning. I looked at my watch. It was 3:20. I had just enoug...